What is happiness to you?

If you asked ten people to define happiness you'd probably get ten different answers. For me it's a moment, usually a brief one, where you stop to appreciate what you are experiencing at that precise time. It can be something as simple as hearing a bird singing in the morning when you're making your first coffee of the day, or seeing your child riding a bicycle without stabilisers for the first time - and knowing it will always rank up there with your happiest memories ever.
I don't think it's realistic to expect happiness all of the time, otherwise it would just become the norm. And it's also about perspective. Someone may feel unhappy because they don't own the latest iPhone, or because their neighbour's mansion has nicer Italian marble flooring than theirs. But you can bet that, today, there will be someone on the planet who is feeling euphoric because a doctor has just told them that they will probably stay alive long enough to see their daughter get married, this Summer.
What is happiness to you?